Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spellin' It Out

It occurred to me that we should spell out what the "Clean Livin" this family is aspiring to is all about. It's very simple.

1. No empty calories. Make sure that everything you put in your mouth is nutritious and natural. Refined flours, for example, are empty calories. Their original nutrients have been stripped away and new nutrients put back in, in an unnatural form that is difficult for your system to utilize efficiently. Whole grains, lean meats and fish, legumes, fresh fruits and veggies, raw nuts and seeds, and healthy oils are what your body needs to function efficiently every day. Believe it or not, these can be just as delicious as any junk or comfort food we crave.

2. Eat a wide variety of foods. The color of foods is a key to their nutritional content. Nature couldn't have made it any easier for us. So try to eat something red, something yellow, etc., every day in order to take in all the vitamins, minerals and additional substances your body was designed to run on. And don't forget to eat your fiber, both soluble and non-soluble. Not only is this essential for regularity, it's also vital for your vascular system.

3. Liquids are important, too. Your body really does need all that water. The proper functioning of your organs depends upon it. Your body does not need all that soda, caffeine, and alcohol. Each of these things has been linked to serious diseases. Everything in moderation, of course. But even better is to aim to keep things as clean as possible. So make the best decisions you can at any given moment because all those moments add up. It's also beneficial to track how you feel after drinking soda or a couple of glasses of wine (especially if depression is an issue). Remember, it takes about three weeks for every molecule of a substance to leave your body. Three weeks. That's plenty of time to wreak plenty of havoc.

4. Get off your ass. Again, it's that simple. You don't have to go to the gym, hire a personal trainer, or buy expensive equipment. Take care of your living space, your car, your pets, your garden, and your loved ones the way they should be taken care of and you'll burn calories. Nature intended us to be busy taking care of our business. If you get on your hands and knees to attack the dust bunnies under your bed, you're burning calories and working on flexibility. If you keep thinking you really ought to clean all that crap out of the trunk of your car, do it. You're burning calories and freeing your mind to think about other things. We also suggest wearing comfortable clothing--workout gear--as often as you can during the day so that you feel completely free to walk briskly, climb stairs, bend over. Think of your daily life as a daily workout and your health will automatically improve.

5. Get educated. The more you know about proper nutrition and the health hazards built into junk food, the harder it becomes to put that layer cake in your mouth--unless you're flat-out self-destructive. Even if that is the case, there's a school of thought that says the best way to start liking yourself is by putting high quality foods into your system. It sends a message to your inner self that you're worth it, that you deserve to go through life feeling strong, looking fit, and having energy to burn. Learning about the health hazards inherent in many of the foods we were all raised to love will not frighten you or limit your fun. It will empower you and expand your horizons.

6. Forgive yourself when you slip up. It happens to all of us. But don't tell yourself that the day is blown and you'll start anew tomorrow. Just try to do better and move around a little more for the rest of the day. Resolve to live clean, really clean, for three weeks and see what happens. We're willing to bet that you won't want to go back to your old ways.

**Stay tuned for some healthy recipes that prove this healthy stuff doesn't taste like dirt!

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