Monday, March 16, 2009

Sweet Treats?

I think that I might have worn out my love for Greek yogurt and strawberries. And the problem is that I'm craving a big, huge, sloppy, ice cream sundae. So, people out there, what's your best healthy substitute for desserts? Inquiring minds want to know.


  1. Hmmmmm...This happens to me all the time!! Try a smoothie. It's much like the yogurt with strawberries, but I pick a new fruit, using frozen is the best, protein powder, soy milk or greek yogurt and lots of ice...I'll even throw my supplements in there! For whatever reason the frozen fruit and lotsa of ice make me feel like I'm having ice cream or frozen yogurt.

  2. A smoothie is a really great idea and not as difficult/time consuming to make as you might think. I use milk, yogurt, frozen fruit, half a banana, and some protein powder, mixing them together with an emersion blender. Since I LOVE milk shakes, this really satisfies me (the banana is the key to making it creamy). It's also so full of nutrients, you're doing your body a big favor. A smoothie is so satisfying that a large one can easily serve as a meal.

    I really like Nature's Plus "Spiru-tein" protein powder ("Simply Natural, Original Vanilla, Unsweetened"). There are 14 grams of protein in a .8 oz. packet, but I use less than a tablespoon at a time. If you dump a whole packet into your smoothie or yogurt, it can get chalky. You have to play around with how much you can tolerate. It's packed with vitamins and minerals, as well as psyllium, oat brain and spirulina--although you'd never know it. I also find that if I add it to zero fat, plain Greek yogurt, it makes the stuff less tangy and more like whipped cream--very yummy with any kind of fruit.

    As far as satisfying your craving for sweets goes...when the urge strikes, try feeding yourself whatever you haven't yet managed to eat as part of your balanced daily diet. It's a great time to get in some orange fruits or veggies (carrots, tangerines, melon) or something deeply green (kiwi, celery with the leaves, grapes) or nuts and seeds. Your bad habits may be forcing you to obsess about a favorite junk food, but if you forge ahead and put something healthy into your stomach, your satisfied body might free your mind to think about other things.
